Output File and Format

Output File and Format

The output file and format are specified in the configuration object of your scraping script. They determine where the scraped data will be saved and in what format.

Output File

The output file is the file where the scraped data will be saved. If not specified, the data will be printed to the standard output (stdout).

export const config = {
    output: {
        // Specify the output file.
        file: "results.json",

In the above example, the scraped data will be saved in a file named results.json.

Output Format

The output format is the format in which the scraped data will be saved. The options are json and ndjson.

export const config = {
    output: {
        // Specify the output format.
        format: "json",

In the above example, the scraped data will be saved in JSON format.

export const config = {
    output: {
        // Specify the output format.
        format: "ndjson",

In this example, the scraped data will be saved in newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON) format. Each line in the output file will be a separate JSON object.