Browser Mode

The Browser Mode controls the interaction with a headless Chromium browser. Enabling the browser mode allows flyscrape to download a Chromium browser once and use it to render JavaScript-heavy pages.

Browser Mode

To enable Browser Mode, set the browser option to true in your configuration. This allows flyscrape to use a headless Chromium browser for rendering JavaScript during the scraping process.

export const config = {
    browser: true,

In the above example, Browser Mode is enabled, allowing flyscrape to render pages that rely on JavaScript execution.

Headless Option

The headless option, when combined with Browser Mode, controls whether the Chromium browser should run in headless mode or not. Headless mode means the browser operates without a graphical user interface, which can be useful for background processes.

export const config = {
    browser: true,
    headless: false,

In this example, the Chromium browser will run in non-headless mode. If you set headless to true, the browser will run without a visible GUI.

export const config = {
    browser: true,
    headless: true,

In this example, the Chromium browser will run in headless mode, suitable for scenarios where graphical rendering is unnecessary.