
The cache config option allows you to enable file-based request caching. When enabled every request cached with its raw response. When the cache is populated and you re-run the scraper, requests will be served directly from cache.

This also allows you to modify your scraping script afterwards and collect new results immediately.

export const config = {
  url: "",
  cache: "file",
  // ...

Cache File

When caching is enabled using the cache: "file" option, a .cache file will be created with the name of your scraping script.

$ flyscrape run hackernews.js # Will populate: hackernews.cache

Shared cache

In case you want to share a cache between different scraping scripts, you can specify where to store the cache file.

export const config = {
  url: "",
  cache: "file:/some/path/shared.cache",
  // ...