Domain Filter

The allowedDomains and blockedDomains config options allow you to specify a list of domains which are accessible or blocked during scraping.

export const options = {
  url: "",
  allowedDomains: [""],
  // ...

Allowed Domains

This config option controls which additional domains are allowed to be visted during scraping. The domain of the initial URL is always allowed.

You can also allow all domains to be accessible by setting allowedDomains to ["*"]. To then further restrict access, you can specify blockedDomains.

export const options = {
  url: "",
  allowedDomains: ["*"],
  // ...

Blocked Domains

This config option controls which additional domains are blocked from being accessed. By default all domains other than the domain of the initial URL or those specified in allowedDomains are blocked.

You can best use blockedDomains in conjunction with allowedDomains: ["*"], allowing the scraping process to access all domains except what’s specified in blockedDomains.

export const options = {
  url: "",
  allowedDomains: ["*"],
  blockedDomains: ["", ""],
  // ...